Lost In Beethoven
In this unique concert experience the audience will be wandering through a musical maze build of all Beethovens 32 piano sonatas. They will have to manouver strange musical crossroads and escape blind alleys in search of secret passage ways leading from sonata to sonata. Resulting in one majestic piece of continous music (every note coming directly from the master himself), this musical labyrinth can be enjoyed as a pure concert (just close your eyes and lean back), a musical escape room (if such things did not exsist before they do now) or be observed as the ultimate union between pianist, composer & audience; all taking part in creating an epic, unique and never repeatable journey through Beethovens always evolving musical universe.
This project was premiered at Beethovenfest Bonn 2022, with performances at Victoriabad and Beethoven - Haus. In addition to presenting lots and lots of authentic Beethoven, the project also features extensive audience participation. Starting with Beethovens piano sonata no. 1 and (hopefully) chronologically all the way to 32, the concert provides a rare panoramic view of Beethovens stylistic development. Presented with humor, involving movement and plenty of audio riddles this is a concert for curious minds of all ages willing to engage.